UX UI Designer
Esther Philip (Business Owner)
George Visan (UXA Mentor)
80 Hours (2 weeks)
Tools used
Figma, Adobe Illustrator

> Project Overview

Company Background.

Esther is a housewife who owns a home bakery store in San Jose, California. She started her home business in 2015 and has established a very good reputation with word-of-mouth. Due to the recent Covid-19 situation, she realized the importance of having a business’s website because most people nowadays prefer to shop and pay online.


In response to the recent Covid-19 issues, the main focus is to help Esther’s home bakery business to create a new branding and her very first responsive website so her business can sustain in response to the new normal.


The goal for this project is to :

  • Conduct a comprehensive user research
  • Design brand message: Friendly, Fresh, Delicious, Homemade, Exquisite
  • Design brand name
  • Design logo
  • Create an user friendly responsive website
    - With online payment feature
    - Simple and easy for customers to navigate
    - Intuitive buying process
  • Prototyping
  • Run usability testing


> Research Overview

> Competitive Analysis

> Secondary Research

> User Research

> Persona

> Research Overview

Research Goals.

To better understand the home bakery business market in general and consumers’ concerns and behaviors, we want to learn:

  • What products and services customers are looking for at home bakeries.
  • Current issues that consumers have with online home bakery stores.
  • What drives customers to buy home bakeries’ products.
  • How receptive they are to buy products from home bakeries.


Three research methods are chosen to conduct the user research:

  • Competitive Analysis
    To learn direct and indirect competitors’ strengths and weaknesses so we can differentiate ourselves to achieve competitive advantages.
  • Secondary research
    Secondary research will involve looking for data online from reliable resources such as news and research reports. The main focus here is to find the popularity of home bakeries in general. In other words, it is to find whether or not the demand or market is out there.
  • User interview
    1:1 remote interviews with 3 - 4 participants will be conducted in order to get the firsthand feedback. Interview scripts and questions will first be created and reviewed so insights from the feedback will be consistent and usable for analysis. Interview questions will include both qualitative and quantitative questions.

> Competitive Analysis

My first research in the user research phase is competitor analysis. This is the phase to help me understand the market better by learning the strengths and weaknesses of the direct and indirect competitors. After having a bigger picture of the market, I got a clear direction on how to help my client's company differentiate themselves from others to achieve competitive advantage.

Competitive Analysis Findings.

After an in-depth competitor research, the findings are:

  • The products from home bakeries have higher and consistent quality because they use fresh and better quality ingredients. The other reason that contributes to consistent quality is that it is always the same chef doing the work from preparing ingredients to baking.        
  • Products from home bakeries have higher prices than regular bakeries.
  • All bakeries have a eye-catching menu and aesthetic photo gallery to convey the feeling of good quality and delicious of their products.
  • None of the home bakeries offers free delivery.
  • All bakeries use Instagram to market their products and increase brand exposure.
  • All bakeries have their specialty and targeted audience.
  • Home bakeries do not offer reward program.

> Secondary Research

In order to find out the current demand for home bakeries, doing a secondary research is needed. Although there are no direct reports of demand for home bakeries, I have found reports from reliable resources suggesting that baked-products in general are and will be in high demands.

Secondary Research Findings.

The bakery industry will increase worldwide by a projected US $147 Billion due to the recent Covid-19 crisis. This is mainly due to a lot of people being unemployed and feeling insecure about the future and fear of isolation. The only way to help themselves feel better is their strong emotional connection to food since comfort foods offer consumers something soothing, familiar and nostalgic.

The products that make up the bakery market are as follows:

  • Bread: 32%
  • Rolls: 19%
  • Cakes: 15%
  • Soft cakes: 8%
  • Pies: 2%

In addition, deliveries have surged since the shutdown. Thus, offering delivery service to consumers is something that Esther will need to consider in response to the current situation.

On the other hand, there are also reports suggesting that since small bakeries are impossible to beat big and established retail bakeries, thus, small bakeries can differentiate themselves by offering healthy and specialty products. For example, baked products with healthy substitutes for ingredients such as gluten-free, low-carbohydrate, whole grain, organic, paleo diet, and vegan are in great demand.

Specialty products such as ethic products. The report says that 7 in 10 chefs told the National Restaurant Association that ethnic-inspired foods would be the top food trend in 2019.

> User Research

Creating an interview guide will help me conduct the 1:1 interviews consistently by asking the same designed questions. Hence, the responses from participants will be consistent and usable for deriving insights. View User Research Plan,  Interview Script, and Interviews’ Records.

Research Debrief.

Here are the valuable findings derived from the 1:1 interviews:

  • All participants have a weak spot when it comes to baked products.
  • All participants buy baked products at least once a week. Sometimes they can buy two times or more a week.
  • All participants buy cakes for birthdays, celebrations, parties, and special occasions.
  • All participants like the idea of being able to customize the ingredients and decorations of the cakes.
  • All participants like to have healthy options for baked products and they are willing to pay more for that.
  • All participants care whether the ingredients in baked products are free of artificial additives and coloring.
  • All participants are willing to try ethnic baked products.
  • All participants like homemade baked products and they are willing to pay more as long as the quality is good.
  • Cleanliness of the home bakery is the first thing all participants find very important.
  • All participants prefer online ordering even when there is no virus issue because of its convenience.
  • All participants find home bakeries having delivery service important because they are usually busy with work and they don’t like the hassles of having to go pick up the products. Participants also expect that having an online store is equal to having delivery service. Otherwise, the business model doesn’t make sense to them.
  • All participants have concerns about delivery. These concerns are delivery being delayed and delivery schedules not being able to match the customer’s schedule.
  • 2 out of 3 participants find reviews important when deciding to buy baked products from a new home bakery.

> Persona

With all the findings derived from research and interview findings, Claire Kim comes into being the best representative of all the interviewees' characteristics, behaviors, goals, needs, and pain points.


> Feature Roadmap

> Information Architecture

> Sitemap

> Task Flows

> Feature Roadmap

After having a clear picture of how the product should look like, Feature Roadmap is used to find out what features are essentially needed in the product design and what features can come next with four levels; P1 (Must have), P2 (Nice to have), P3 (Surprising & delightful), P4 (Can come later).

> Information Architecture

To create a easy-to-understand information architecture that facilitates the user navigations on the product, Card Sorting is used to find out how users understand and categorize information.

Card Sorting Goals.

  • To find participants’ classification patterns
  • To uncover new opportunities within patterns
  • To learn what participants struggle when doing card sorting

Similarity Matrix.

This Similarity Matrix shows how users categorize information with the given cards and the similarity percentage of each card categorized by all users.

Card Sorting Findings.

All participants categorized the 30 cards based on what they think in the most direct and intuitive way. Although each participant may have some slightly different cognitions in the provided baked-products’ names, the category names they came out with are all from the corresponding product category. For example,

  • Pound cake, cheesecake, Sponge cake = Cakes
  • Heavy dessert, light dessert, American dessert = Desserts

Thus, this suggests that we can categorize our products at the most basic level as this will take care of users of all levels.

> Sitemap

After having the data of how users categorize information, a Sitemap is created based on the data. This will also be the  content on the navigation bar. This Sitemap is simple and concise in order to promote easy navigations for users.

> Task Flows

Based on the persona, users may perform 2 possible tasks. One may be to buy a cake directly without customization and the other one would be to customize a cake.


> Product Requirements Overview

Responsive Wireframes

> Brand Design

> UI Design

> UI Kit

> Product Requirements Overview

Having product requirements is essential as it helps set a right direction on what pages need to be included and designed so the subsequent usability testing can run smoothly. The main user task is that users arrive at the homepage and want to find a cake to buy.

Pages to Design.

  • Homepage
  • Cakes Page
  • Cakes Detail Page
  • Customize Cake Page
  • Checkout Process = Cart Page + Scheduling Page + Checkout Page + Confirmation Page

> Responsive Wireframes

Based on the researches, sitemap, task flows, and persona, I created these initial wireframes to reflect the main user journeys. Below are the responsive designs’ margins and spacings used for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile screens:

  • Desktop: 120px Margin and 60px Spacing
  • Tablet: 40px Margin and 40px Spacing
  • Mobile: 16px Margin and 32px Spacing

The ideas behind the design is to create a website that is easy to use which, at the same time, promotes usability and learnability for users. Hence, I have reused elements and patterns throughout all the pages for easy navigation so users can focus on their browsing and shopping.  Below is showing only main task pages:

Desktop Screens
Cakes Page
Cake Detail Page
Customize Cake Page
Cart Page
Checkout Page
Tablet Screens
Cakes Page
Cake Detail Page
Customize Cake Page
Cart Page
Checkout Page
Mobile Screens
Cakes Page
Cake Detail Page
Customize Cake Page
Cart Page
Checkout Page
View all wireframes

> Brand Design

Logo Inspiration.

Esther’s business doest no have a logo and the business name has always been her name. She does not like that and wants a rebranding. Thus, she needs help with designing her business name and logo.  She wants something that represents here which also conveys the  feelings of Friendly, Fresh, Delicious, Homemade, and Exquisite.  Hence, I have brainstormed a few logo concepts for Esther to choose from. Here are the concepts:

Finalized Logo.

Esther has finally decided to choose her business name as Baby Baker and she likes the wordmark design. The reasons behind the design:

  • Esther has recently had her first baby and she wants to incorporate this happiness into her logo design
  • The font conveys the feelings of Homemade and Exquisite.
  • The color Yellow is chosen because it conveys the feelings of friendly, approachable , and delicious.

> UI Design

By incorporating text styles, icons, colors, images, and logo , the initial high-fidelity responsive designs of main tasks for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile screens come out as follows:
Desktop Screens
Cakes Page
Cake Detail Page
Customize Cake Page
Cart Page
Checkout Page
Tablet Screens
Cakes Page
Cake Detail Page
Customize Cake Page
Cart Page
Checkout Page
Mobile Screens
Cakes Page
Cake Detail Page
Customize Cake Page
Cart Page
Checkout Page
View all wireframes

> UI Kit

After having a design comp, I regather all the elements I use on my design associated with all the elements’ states and categorized them with expanded details and information as a comprehensive UI Kit.


> Prototyping

> Prototyping

In order to make the prototype look as close as the final design, I have included the states and animations for buttons, dropdown menus,  text fields, icons, and links. By doing so, it will make the prototype more interactive and easy for participants to distinguish which elements are clickable and working. To play with the initial prototype, please click here.


> Usability Testing

> Test Interpretation & Prioritization

> Iterated Prototype

> Usability Testing


  • Test Objectives
    - To test the prototype’s ease of use
    - To test the usability and learnability of the prototype
    - To identify any obstacles/frictions that prevent users from completing their tasks
  • Task testings
    - To find the “Cake” Page
    - To customize a cake
    - To place a delivery order
  • Test Goals
    - To ensure every task performed by users is friction-free, intuitive, and easy.

Usability Test Finding.

  • All participants found the whole ordering flow easy, simple, straightforward, and intuitive.
  • All participants liked the design being very neat and clean.
  • All participants found ordering process guide very helpful.
  • 2 out of 3 participants suggested using Hero image slider on homepage so customers know the bakery was offering other baked products.
  • All participants thoughts that the logo and navigation bar could be more prominent.
  • The design was very easily learned and understood. Users of all levels had no problems navigating the site.
  • 100% Completion Rate and 0% Error Rate

> Test Interpretation & Prioritization

Affinity Map.

I began by referring back to my testing notes and grouped every note based on similarity to create this Affinity Map. In order to easily identify each participant, they all have their own Post-it note color. By having this Affinity map, I get a bigger and clearer picture of which iterations I need to prioritize and what can be next.

Next Iterations.

Based on the usability testing report, I have created a prioritized iterations list:

  • Make logo and navigation bar more prominent
  • Match image tone on homepage
  • Make a hero image slider
  • Crop chef’s image

> Iterated Prototype

Below are the prioritized iterations and explanations on how I iterated them:

  • Make the logo and navigation bar more prominent
    I added a linear gradient overlay fading out from the top of the page with black color until the middle of the page. This way the logo and navigation bar may have a darker background to make them stand out more.
  • Match the image tone on homepage
    I replaced the first two images in the “Bestsellers” section with images that have darker tone.
  • Make a hero image slider
    I created two additional Hero Images wit CTAs that correspond to the other products the company offers.
  • Crop chef’s image
    I cropped out unnecessary background noises to bring the chef into focus.

*The UI design and prototype have been refined to align with my current skill set (2023).

View prototype

Live Prototype.

NOTE: Since the app below is just a prototype, many features and links are not working/tappable or do not work as expected.
* To see which feature/link is working, simply tap anywhere outside the app and the blue rectangular boxes will show up.
* To restart the prototype, simply tab "R" on your keyboard.
* If you have a problem playing directly with the live prototype below, please click here.

> Reflection

This project seemed to be easy and straightforward at first. However, it had its difficulty. The most challenging phase was designing the branding for Esther. Esther had a lot of great ideas. But due to having too much ideas and not having a narrow scope, it made it so difficult to choose which direction to focus on. Fortunately, after a few discussions with Esther and lots of questions asked, I finally helped Esther narrow down those ideas and got a clearer scope. This is a great experience as I realize that designing is not always about having no constraints but it is the constraints that make a good design.


Delivery + Service


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Time Travel


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