Time travel used to be thought of as just science fiction, but Einstein’s general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out.
— Stephen Hawking
1942 - 2018
UX UI Designer
George Visan (UXA Mentor)
80 Hours (2 weeks)
Tools used
Figma, Adobe Illustrator

> Project Overview

Company Background.

Disclaimer: This is solely an academic UI/UX project. The inclusion of companies and individuals in this project does not imply any association with them. The content is purely based on the fictional and imaginative user experience of time travel.

ZEIT, founded by Richard Branson, is a subsidiary of Richard Branson’s Virgin empire. After a long struggle with Elon Musk, Virgin has been able to make time travel tourism available to all. A total of 289 destinations all over the world, up from prehistoric times through today, have been approved and finalized to receive people any moment.


Since time travel is a new service, ZEIT needs help with user research to find out what customers are really looking for in  general perspectives and experiences on tourism and how receptive customers are to time travelling. On top of that, ZEIT also needs help with brand and web designs.


The goal for this project is to :

  • Conduct a comprehensive user research
  • Design brand message
    - Modern and fresh
    - Classical and historical
  • Design Zeit’s logo
  • Create an user friendly responsive website for the 289 destinations
    - Clear categorisation and filtering options needed
    - Provide information about how the service work
    - Buying process has to be as easy as buying books and movies
  • Run usability testing


> Research Overview

> Competitive Analysis

> User Research

> Persona

> Research Overview

Research Goals.

To better understand the travel industry in general and consumers’ behaviors in online booking, we want to learn:

  • What elements consumers are looking for in an online booking website.
  • Current issues that consumers have with online booking services.
  • What factors contribute to consumers’ trust in online booking services.
  • How receptive they are to time travel services.


Two research methods are chosen to conduct the user research:

  • Competitive Analysis
    To learn competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and find out our own competitive advantage.
  • User interview
    1:1 interview to gain users’ insights about their online booking experiences and receptiveness on time travel service.

> Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis is the first research to conduct before jumping into a more indepth research. By doing so, I get to understand the market and be able to find out who the direct and indirect competitors and what their strengths and weaknesses are.  This way we can differentiate and better position ourselves in order to achieve competitive advantage.

Competitive Analysis Findings.

After an in-depth competitor research, the findings are:

  • Too many one-stop booking websites in the internet offering the same or just some slight distinct services.
  • Consumers are overwhelmed with too many choices of booking websites.
  • Very few websites like Tripadvisor, Airbnb, and Hotwire which differentiate themselves from others by offering some significant differences in their services that customers find valuable.
  • Trends:
    - All booking companies have their own iOS and Android applications.
    - Bundles or packages offer more discounts compared to a la carte booking.
    - All booking websites have very neat and clean user interface.

> User Research

I choose 1:1 Interview because it is a great way to empathize users, I am able to obtain first-hand knowledge, and I have the opportunity to direct the conversation when I need elaborations and answers to my areas of interest . My script is designed to make people that I am going to interview feel relaxed and comfortable so they can answer the questions as truthful as possible. The purpose of this research is to derive patterns, similarities, and differences.

Interviewees’ Criteria.

  • Adults 18 - 60
  • People who prefer online booking services
  • Tech savvy people who like to try new technology
  • Travelers
  • Sci-fi lovers

Research Debrief.

Here are the valuable findings derived from the 1:1 interviews:

  • Everyone has their own preferred booking websites and customers tend to be loyal to them. First impression for new customers is very crucial as it determines the likelihood of users returning to your booking website and buying with you again.
  • To make users trust your business, providing adequate security in personal information is a must.
  • Word of mouth from friends is a lot stronger than random reviews as these reviews could be fake.
  • Unmatched deals and discounts are one of the main incentives that drives users to return to your websites.
  • Too little or too much information is a turnoff for users. Having a balance in information architecture is desired as this takes care of all users with different characteristics.
  • Users very much like different varieties of filter options as this can help them quickly get to the results they want with any given situations.
  • 24/7 reliable customer support is highly required as unexpected situations may happen to every user.
  • Customers are very receptive to new technology as long as it is user friendly.
  • Since time travel is a very new service, users have never done it before and, thus, they appreciate it if clear and detailed instructions on how it works and what benefits it can bring to them are provided.
  • Time travel could be risky, customers hope there are limitations and restrictions so safety is assured.
  • Time travel is an airy-fairy notion. If someone can make it happen, consumers are willing to pay any price to experience it.

> Persona

Interviewees’ Criteria.

In order to create a persona that best represents the interviewees,  an Empathy Map is used in order to get a better understanding of the users and see them as a whole in a bigger picture. With all the findings derived from the Empathy Map, Patrick Roy comes into being the best representative of all the interviewees' characteristics, behaviors, goals, needs, and pain points.


> Project Goals

> Feature Roadmap

> Information Architecture

> Sitemap

> Task Flows

> User Flows

> Project Goals

In order to create a product with all the features that meet users’ needs based on the research as well as business goals and technical considerations,  I use Project Goals to  derive how the product should look like.

> Feature Roadmap

After having a clear picture of how the product should look like, Feature Roadmap is used to find out what features are essentially needed in the product design and what features can come next with four levels; P1 (Must have), P2 (Nice to have), P3 (Surprising & delightful), P4 (Can come later).

> Information Architecture

To create a easy-to-understand information architecture that facilitates the user navigations on the product, Card Sorting is used to find out how users understand and categorize information.

Card Sorting Goals.

  • To find participants’ classification patterns
  • To uncover new opportunities within patterns
  • To learn what participants struggle when doing card sortings

Card Sorting Implementation.

  • Card sorting tool: Optimal Workshop
  • Method: Open Sort
  • Total of 30 cards
  • Invited 8 participants, 7 of them completed the exercise
  • Participants were given a clear instruction to sort all 30 cards into categories and name the categories after.

Similarity Matrix.

This Similarity Matrix shows how users categorize information with the given cards and the similarity percentage of each card categorized by all users.

Card Sorting Findings.

6 out of 7 participants categorized cards based on similar/related topics of historic events. Only one participant categorized cards based on era. This suggests that most users may intuitively find what they are looking for on the website based on what is similar and related because that is how they understand the content in the most straightforward way. Here are some examples of category names generated by participants:

  • Technology Advancement
  • American History
  • Entertainment Events/History
  • Opening/Launching Day
  • Ancient History
  • 21st Century History

Although participants categorized historic events based on similarities and relationship in topics, there are still some variations in terms of users’ comprehension towards topics. In order to take care of every user’s comprehension level, we could have top-level category names such as:

  • Locations to reflect: American History, European History
  • Events to reflect: Technology Events, Entertainment Events
  • Periods to reflect: Ancient, Modern

> Sitemap

After having the data of how users categorize information, a Sitemap is created based on the data. This will also be the  content on the navigation bar.

> Task Flows

Based on the persona,  I created two task flows. Users may choose to check on deals first or do a search with his desired filters.

> User Flows

Users Flows show all the possible user tasks with detailed user journeys that eventually leads to the buying process.


> Product Requirements Overview


> Responsive Wireframes

> Brand Design

> UI Design

> UI Kit

> Product Requirements Overview

Having product requirements is essential as it helps set a right direction on what pages need to be included and designed so the subsequent usability testing can run smoothly.

User Task.

User arrive to the homepage and want to find the best deal of time travel destination to buy.

Pages to Design.

  • Homepage
  • Destinations Page
  • Search Results Page
  • Trip Detail Page
  • Checkout Page

High Level Requirement.

  • A Homepage that is easy to navigate and guides users throughout the booking process.
  • A Destination Page will also act as a Search Results Page.
  • A Trip Detail Page that shows everything that customers need to know.
  • A Checkout Page that shows all the added trips with important information.

> Sketches

My first step before jumping in to digital designs is to brainstorm ideas and sketch those ideas out. I created three different sketch designs so I can see which design would best solve the company’s  and users’ problems and see if I can mix and match some of the elements from  two other sketch designs.

> Responsive Wireframes

With the sketches I have, I mix-and-matched three of them to create these low-fidelity wireframes that will best solve the company’s and users' problems. Below are the responsive designs’ margins and spacings used for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile screens:

  • Desktop: 120px Margin and 60px Spacing
  • Tablet: 40px Margin and 40px Spacing
  • Mobile: 16px Margin and 32px Spacing

The ideas behind the design is to create a website that is easy to use which, at the same time, promotes usability and learnability for users. Hence, I have reused elements and patterns throughout all the pages for easy navigation so users can focus on their browsing and shopping.

Desktop Screens
Home Page
Destinations Page
Trip Detail Page
Checkout Page
Tablet Screens
Home Page
Destinations Page
Trip Detail Page
Checkout Page
Mobile Screens
Home Page
Destinations Page
Trip Detail Page
Checkout Page

> Brand Design

Logo Inspiration.

Since the theme is about time travelling,  I incorporate time travelling elements in my logo designs. These elements are reversed clocks, black holes, and abstract effects. I want to make the logos look as simple as possible that enhance easy recognition. In order to achieve that, I keep my logos within 3 dimensions.  

Finalized Logo.

The final logo is determined by its ability to capture the essence of the brand, evoking a sense of futurism and space.

> UI Design

By combining iterated wireframes with brand stye tiles, the initial high-fidelity responsive designs of homepage and trip detail page for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile screens come out as follows:
Desktop Screens
Home Page
Destinations Page
Trip Detail Page
Checkout Page
Tablet Screens
Home Page
Destinations Page
Trip Detail Page
Checkout Page
Mobile Screens
Home Page
Destinations Page
Trip Detail Page
Checkout Page

> UI Kit

After having a design comp, I regather all the elements I use on my design associated with all the elements’ states and categorized them with expanded details and information as a comprehensive UI Kit.


> Prototyping

> Prototyping

In order to make the prototype look as close to the final design as possible and make it usable for prototyping, a final touch up is needed. I replace the Lorem ipsum with contents to best reflect what each section is about and incorporate the interactive states into each page and lastly wire each state to the corresponding page. To play with the initial prototype, please click here.


> Usability Testing

> Test Interpretation & Prioritization

> Iterated Prototype

> Usability Testing


  • Test Objectives
    - To test the prototype’s ease of use.
    - To test the usability and learnability of the prototype.
    - To identify any obstacles/frictions that prevent users from completing their tasks.
  • Test Methodology
    - Remotely using Zoom and Google Hangout.
  • Participants
    - 3-5 Adults between the age of 18 – 60 (Male & Female).
  • Task testings
    - To search for travel destinations.
    - To learn more about a travel destination.
    - To complete the purchase process.
  • Test Goals
    - To ensure every task performed by users is friction-free, intuitive, and easy.
  • Test Completion Rate
    - Expecting a 100% completion rate since the design is user-centered.
  • Error-free Rate
    - Expecting a 90% error-free rate since every possible error has already been thought out and eliminated.

Usability Test Finding.

  • All participants liked to browse the whole webpage before performing the task.
  • All participants finished browsing every page in seconds.  
  • All participants did not read the contents.
  • All participants successfully completed all the tasks.
  • Participants who are frequent online shoppers found the task flows natural whereas non-frequent shoppers struggled a little bit.
  • 3 out of 4 participants were confused between the “Destinations” link on the navigation bar and the search box when performing Task 1(search for destinations)
  • 2 out of 4 participants suggested that the search box could be more prominent so it could drive their focus to it.
  • All participants had suggestions for design improvements.
  • Every participant navigates the web page in slightly different ways. Thus, they have different expectations for the task flows.

> Test Interpretation & Prioritization

Affinity Map.

After the usability testings, I refer back to my testing notes and group every note based on similarity. In order to easily identify each participant, they all have their own Post-it note color. By doing this Affinity Map, I get to derive the insights about what is useful and what is causing the usability errors and hiccups in the design so I can do further iterations with prioritization to make the design 100% usable and 0% usability error.

Next Iterations.

Based on the usability testing report, I have created a prioritized iterations list:

  • Make Search box on the homepage prominent
  • Add “Customize” option to the number of travelers
  • Fix the focus on Trip Detail Page
  • Get rid of unnecessary UIs on calendar layout

> Iterated Prototype

Below is the prototype iterated based on the prioritized iterations.
View prototype

Live Prototype.

NOTE: Since the app below is just a prototype, many features and links are not working/tappable or do not work as expected.
* To see which feature/link is working, simply tap anywhere outside the app and the blue rectangular boxes will show up.
* To restart the prototype, simply tab "R" on your keyboard.
* If you have a problem playing directly with the live prototype below, please click here.

> Reflection

In sum, I have learned a lot from the whole project! Both of my UI and UX skills have improved tremendously. Although my learning process wasn’t smooth throughout, I rather learn things in a challenge way so I get to really learn the essence of everything.  I still have the intrinsic perfectionist in me that always makes me spend more time than necessary to complete a project. But I know that this is not a bad attribute because I believe that exquisite products always come from extensive attentions and times.  This is just the beginning of my UIUX journey and there are still a lot of things to learn. I am looking forward to new challenges so I can keep pushing myself to improve. With all the valuable skills I have learned, I believe I can walk very far and call UIUX my career.


Delivery + Service


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Home Bakery

Baby Baker

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